
Why Great Customer Service is a Secret Weapon

Neil Palmer

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Today, few processes have as much impact on business success as Customer Service. By providing your Customer Service team with AI-driven automation tools, they can improve the Customer Experience delivered throughout the order-to-cash cycle. Read on to learn more from one of Esker’s experts.

In a world of new technology – such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and a whole variety of sometimes mind boggling three letter acronyms, it's easy to get a little lost, and to focus on the exciting technology, (and exciting it is!)

It is very easy to forget a fundamental truth; customer service is the heart and soul of any business, and that’s especially true when considering automated customer service solutions such as Esker Customer Service.

The importance of excellent customer service

Think of it like this. Our software might be the coolest kid on the block, automating tasks like a seasoned juggler. But if our customers feel lost, frustrated, or ignored when they encounter even a minor issue, that “coolness” and good feeling can quickly evaporate. A single negative interaction can tarnish the experience.

I remember this concept well from a long distance walk with friends last year. 82 miles from Ilkley in the Yorkshire Dales to Bowness-On-Windermere in Cumbria, on a path called the Dales Way. It was a wonderful few days away with friends, literally in the middle of nowhere - walking, talking, and drinking a little too much beer in the evenings. A life affirming (if daunting and tiring) experience, but one that always brings a smile to my face when I remember it. Unfortunately, it also makes me think of the worst customer service I ever experienced too.

Two days in, in new boots, which was far from ideal, I was in a quite predictable world of pain from blisters. So, when we spotted a mountain sports shop in a quaint Yorkshire village with a giant “Open” sign, I breathed a sigh of relief, expectant that I would soon be strapped up, and ready for the remainder of the day in a little less discomfort.

This vision soon crumbled. I greeted the gentleman at the desk with a cheerful “Good Morning” as I walked in and politely asked if he could help me. He simply, loudly, shouted a sarcastic “NO”, and without raising his eyes from his phone that he was busily scrolling on, he just made a shoo-ing motion with his hand to get me out of his shop. That’s right, the shop was full of shoes, socks and various first aid options – but apparently the phone was more important than helping a customer. I didn’t want to force him to take my money and left in disbelief that people like that walk amongst us.

There are lots of variations on the statistics about the number of people you will tell in the event of good and bad customer experience. It usually seems to be that a lot more people hear about bad interactions - I think I may have broken some records in telling people about that particular experience, (and this blog is adding to those figures!) It was everything that is wrong with customer service, and when I needed some help, or even a nudge in the right direction, I hit a brick wall.

Thankfully, there was another place a mile or so down the road, which was a whole different and better experience – where I was bandaged up and given a variety of insoles, plasters and new socks to help get me through the day. I also received much needed reassurance that there are lovely, helpful and customer focused people out there too. The lady was a real life saver - as were the pint(s) at the end of the day. The service minded attitude and empathy was exactly what was needed. The lady went above and beyond what I was expecting, and that's where great customer service can make a world of difference. I had a spring in my now less painful step.

Customer Service for the win!

In the world of software automation, customer service is the bridge between the awe-inspiring tech and the human who is at the sharp end. We simply have to provide multiple layers of support and assistance to our customers to ensure the journey is smooth – and to ensure that our customers are valued, engaged and understood, and ultimately get to where they want to go.

Esker provides service and support to assist our customers and ensure that they are front and centre in everything we do.
I truly feel that the world class service and support Esker offers, is on a par with our market leading technology and helps us offer automation solutions like no other.

Our implementation teams work closely with our customers to ensure the Esker solutions meet and exceed their needs, even with the most complex global projects, encompassing multiple locations, ERPs, currencies, languages etc.

The Technical Support teams quickly and efficiently assist with any rare technical glitches that may occur during day-to-day usage, with their knowledgeable and friendly staff on hand when needed.

Our Customer Experience (CX) team are the cherry on the top of the icing on the Esker customer service cake. They offer a valuable service to provide training, dedicated one-on-one assistance, business reviews and workshops to help our customers to get the absolute most from their investment in Esker.

Esker’s overall mission is to support positive sum growth. A philosophy that ensures that we do business together where everyone benefits, and that business is not done at the expense of another.
My job as an account manager ties in to that philosophy, and I need to be in touch with my customers regularly and understand how we can help them to succeed with both their business and personal goals and ensure that everyone wins.

I am there when times are good, but also during any difficult times, as ultimately, good customer service is essential during both.

Here are some things that I have learned over the last few years that help my interaction with my customers.

1. Being connected
Like most things in this world of ours, it’s about humans connecting with humans. Emails and text messages and Teams are great and sometimes needed, but there is no substitute for talking on the phone and in person. Real human interaction such as shaking hands and eye contact builds bridges and that is something that Covid enforced lockdowns did rob us of, although I hope only temporarily, and that we continue to get back to the old normal. I think it’s vital that we get back to being connected with each other again and to get out there in the world.

2. Empathy – Service minded approach
It’s vital for me to put myself in the shoes of the customer. What's frustrating them? What information do they need? I try and figure out how I can make their life easier. A little empathy goes a long way in building trust and turning a frustrated customer into a loyal advocate, who will hopefully tell everyone all about the good experience they have had.

3. Honesty
When customers approach me about new possible additions to their solution, I think it’s vital to be honest about when technology is appropriate or not, as the case may be. It’s vital that we don’t just sell technology for the sake of selling it. Many times, when technology is not a good fit – it is my job to ensure they know that. Customers will also research ways of achieving what they want to do in a free or low cost way anyway, so it absolutely makes sense to explore that with them too, and see if I can help them solve their problem without spending money.

4. Regular communication
Keeping customers in the loop is vital if there are any open support tickets, or issues. Even an update to say there is no update, is still an update, as just to be informed of what is happening is often all people really want. I think these days, it’s quite common to get complete silence from providers in response to support queries.
Regular updates to keep customers’ abreast of any ongoing topics is vital to keep them informed, ultimately giving them re-assurance that they are in good hands, and are not being forgotten about.

5. Every day is a school day
More of a life lesson really; never stop learning, reading, improving yourself and what you do. Always strive to improve!

The automation solutions that Esker provides for our customers (rather like customer service) are all about amplifying the human touch. Use it to streamline the mundane, leaving the team free to focus on the magic with your customers: building trust, fostering loyalty, and making customers feel like valued partners.

So, in a world where technology rules, the human touch is vital, never forget the power of a smile, a helping hand, and a genuine connection with your customers.

Esker offers the insight, technology and service that empowers teams to shine.
In the end, it's not just about software, it's about building relationships that last.


Author Bio

Neil Palmer

Neil is an Account Manager for Esker UK. His role is to look after existing customers (S2P / O2C and Document Delivery) to ensure they are successful on their Esker journey. He has been part of the Esker family since 1998.


English, British
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